
Bedford Photo-Graphic, Inc.

If you can imagine it, We can Image it!

The Bedford Oak

Design Solutions & Prepress

Advertising & Promotional Display

Often our customers have an idea or need to make a presentation that needs to be produced from their artwork or from photos in our files.  We often work with art directors and design studios to provide the finished product...



Prepress Design & Implementation

Many of our clients need to produce printed media for a presentation or  four-color artwork for an ad running in one or more magazines.  We are often called upon to create accurate files for reproduction, managing type, photography and other layout articles to make the printing process proceed properly....

Posters, Banners, Wraps

We print and design posters and banners on a variety of materials, for indoor or outdoor use. For extra large items, we design & prep and use our trusted specialty suppliers providing an endless supply of  media and surfaces from  vinyl to plastic to aluminum and even floor graphics...

Books, Brochures, Fliers,

Some clients like one stop shopping, and along with great photography, reproduction and scanning capabilities we are also design stunning printed materials like custom books where "one of a kind" items are feasible, brochures & fliers as well...

Bedford Photo-Graphic, Inc. services local, regional and international clients. The studio is located in Westchester County, NY  10589  Phone: 914-301-5955

All Photography in this site produced or created by Bedford Photo-Graphic, Inc. Somers, NY 10589.  All Photography ©  Bedford Photo-Graphic, Inc.2016 (unless otherwise indicated).